Project Report Content

A Project report gives details of activity across all Project repos during the report period.

The report has three sections:

  1. Summary An overview of the day’s changes and a snapshot of the current PR status.
  2. Pull Requests Details of all Pull Requests opened, closed, and merged in the report period.
  3. Pull Request Reviews Pull Request Reviews (approving, requesting changes, and commenting) in the report period.
  4. Commits Commits during the report period (in total number, and to the default branch).


The summary shows these numbers for the report period.

  • How many PRs were opened, merged, and closed.
  • The size of those PRs. (Measured by number of lines changed.)
  • The lifetime of the PRs that were merged.
  • The number of PR Reviews (approved, requesting changes, commenting).
  • How many PRs were open when the report was generated, and their sizes and ages.
  • The number of commits (including merge commits) to each repo’s default branch, and overall.
  • How many of those commits were merge commits.
GitHub activity report summary

Click on any summary number or chart node to see the details. You can also hover the pointer over chart nodes to see a summary card.

Pull Request hover summary card

Pull Requests

The Pull Requests page shows all PRs opened, closed or merged in the Project repos during the report period. If the Project has any Teams specified, the PRs will only be those opened by team members.

Project activity report Pull Requests

You can sort the pull requests by:

  • Newest
  • Oldest
  • Largest
  • PR Author
  • Recently Updated
  • Least Recently Updated
  • Repo

Pull Request Reviews

The Reviews page shows all PR Reviews submitted to Project repos during the report period. If the Project has any Teams specified, the Reviews will only be those submitted by team members.

GitHub activity report PR reviews

You can sort the pull request reviews by:

  • Pull Request
  • Time Submitted
  • Review Author
  • Repo


The Pushes page shows all Commits to Project repos during the report period. The list is grouped by repository and branch.

GitHub activity commits

You can filter the list by the following:

  • Repo
  • Branch
    • Default branch (e.g. main)
    • PR branches (i.e. branches with an associated Pull Request)
    • Branches without a PR
    • All branches
  • Merge depth
  • Commit author