Metrics Explorer

The GitDailies Metrics Explorer makes it easy to run powerful queries and analyze your engineering stats.

Start the Metrics Explorer

To access the Metrics Explorer, log in to GitDailies, then choose the “Metrics” tab:

Where to find the PR Metrics Explorer in GitDailies

The Metrics Explorer has four main views:

The two main views in the PR Metrics explorer

  • PR Trends tracks changes in your organization Pull Request metrics over time
  • PR Status analyzes your organization’s open Pull Requests
  • Branches lets you visualize branch inactivity across all repos
  • Activity generates reports of user activity across all repos

Search for Metrics

Choose which repositories or teams to generate PR metrics for. By default all repositories and teams are searched, but you can search to any combination that you choose.

For PR Trends metrics, you can also choose which time period to search. (You don’t choose a time period for PR Status metrics, because it analyzes the PRs as they are right now).

Search settings in the PR Metrics explorer

Grouping Metrics

A powerful feature of GitDailies is the ability to produce metrics for various levels in your organization.

For example, you may be interested in the metrics for each team, regardless of which repository they are working in. Or you may be interested in the metrics for each repository, regardless of team.

You may want to “zoom out”, and look at metrics across the whole organization by month, or “zoom in” and look at metrics on a daily or weekly basis.

The grouping controls make it easy to do all of the above. Both PR Trends and PR Status allow metrics to be grouped by any combination of repository or team. PR Trends also allows you to group by time.

Grouping results in the PR Metrics explorer
  • Group by Time splits metrics into time periods. Daily metrics are useful for seeing detailed changes, while Weekly or Monthly metrics give you a higher-level view.
  • Group by Repo checking this will produce an individual set of metrics for each repository. Leaving it unchecked will produce metrics for all of the repositories combined.
  • Group by Team checking this will produce an individual set of metrics for each team. Leaving it unchecked will produce metrics for all of the teams combined.

Try doing some searches with different Grouping combinations. You’ll get the hang of it quickly!

Viewing Grouped Results

If you have grouped your results by repository, team, or user, you can choose which group’s metrics to view. In this example, we have chosen to group both by repository and team, so we can choose any repo and team combination from the results:

Choosing results for the PR Metrics explorer

Compare Results

You can also overlay metrics in a chart by choosing “Show all Teams” (or repos, or users) in the results section.

Choosing to view results for all teams
Compare teams Pull Request metrics

To show or hide any of the series, click on their button in the chart legend to toggle visibility.

Show / hide metrics series

The PR Trends metrics shows you the following charts:

  • Number of PRs opened
  • Number of PRs merged
  • Size of merged PRs
  • Lifetime of merged PRs
  • PR Review time breakdown

For a quick introduction to these charts, check out our blog post on Pull Request metrics.

Here’s an example of “PR Merge Count” and “PR Review Time” for the last four months:

Chart of number of Pull Requests merged, by week
Pull Requests merged, by week

Chart with breakdown of Pull Request review time, by month
Pull Request review times, by month

Note that the last bar in both charts is only partly filled. This is because the query was run before the end the last week of October, so the final bar only has partial data.

What Contributed to this Metric?

You can “drill down” into any of the bars in a PR Trend chart by clicking on it. This opens a list of the contributing PRs:

See which PRs contributed to a specific metric

You can search, filter, and sort the contributing PRs by repo, author, team, time, etc. You can also export the results to CSV for further analysis.

PR Status Metrics

PR Status shows you the following charts:

  • Size of open PRs
  • Age of open PRs
  • Inactivity of open PRs

Like PR Trends, these charts can be generated across all repos and teams combined, or any combination of repos and teams.

Strip plot of size and age of open Pull Requests

Hover over a node to see details of the pull request.

To zoom in, just click and drag over the area of interest.

Inactive Branch Metrics

Branch metrics let you visualize when branches were last pushed to. Use this to quickly find stale branches across your whole organization.

The chart can be generated for all repos, or selected repos.

Strip plot of inactivity of repo branches

Hover over a node to see details of the branch, including last commit and any associated PRs.

To zoom in, just click and drag over the area of interest.

Activity Metrics

Activity Metrics let you generate custom exports or automatic weekly email reports of user activity across all your repos. Activity includes commits, PRs opened, and reviews submitted.

Activity Metrics are available on the Enterprise tier. Contact us at for a demo and free trial.