"Time to Merge" Metric for Pull Requests

Illustration of a man and a woman sitting at their laptops writing code

The Power of Tracking “Time to Merge”

In software development, tracking the right metrics is vital to ensure your team is both efficient and effective. There’s a multitude of software metrics out there, from code churn to lead time to deployment frequency. Among them, one stands out with its unique ability to provide insight into both the velocity and quality of your development process: Time to Merge.

What is “Time to Merge”?

The “Time to Merge” metric measures the time it takes from when a developer first submits a Pull Request (PR) until it’s finally merged into the main branch. This seemingly straightforward metric holds a treasure trove of information about your software team’s operational efficiency and collaboration dynamics.

Time to merge is sometimes abbreviated as “TTM”. When you track the “mean” or “average” time to merge, it’s abbreviated as “MTTM”.

“Time to Merge” vs “PR Lifetime”?

“Time to Merge” and “Pull Request Lifetime” are just two different names for the same thing.

Why “Time to Merge” Matters

Efficiency and Velocity: At its core, the time to merge provides a glimpse into how quickly your team is moving. Are PRs being merged within hours, days, or weeks? If it takes weeks to get a piece of code merged, it can indicate bottlenecks in your review process.

Quality Assurance

Rapid merging isn’t always a good sign. It might mean that PRs are not being reviewed thoroughly. A balanced time to merge indicates that the team is investing enough time for thorough code reviews, ensuring code quality and maintaining standards.

Collaboration Dynamics

The metric can also highlight collaboration challenges. Extended time to merge might mean that developers and reviewers are not in sync, perhaps due to lack of clear communication or misaligned priorities.

Resource Allocation

If you find certain PRs consistently taking longer to merge, it might indicate that the team lacks expertise in that specific area. This can help managers allocate training resources or hire for specific skill gaps.

Benefits of Tracking “Time to Merge”

  • Optimized Workflow: By understanding what’s causing delays in the merging process, team leads and managers can streamline workflows, introduce automation, or offer training to address specific challenges.

  • Improved Forecasting: For engineering managers and CTOs, having a grasp on the time to merge can assist in better release planning and setting more accurate timelines for stakeholders.

  • Boosted Morale: For developers, long waiting times can be demotivating. Addressing and reducing the time to merge can improve team morale, as developers see their work moving swiftly through the pipeline.

  • Enhanced Code Quality: Emphasizing an optimal time to merge ensures that code reviews are neither rushed nor neglected, fostering a culture of quality and attention to detail.

Optimizing “Time to Merge” with GitDailies

Understanding the importance of the time to merge metric is one thing. Actively tracking, analyzing, and optimizing it is another. This is where GitDailies shines.

With our cutting-edge Software Engineering Metrics platform:

  • Get real-time insights into your team’s time to merge for every PR, allowing for proactive adjustments.
  • Dive deep into analytics, identifying patterns over time, comparing teams, or repos, or contrasting different projects.
  • Integrate seamlessly with your existing tools and platforms, ensuring a frictionless experience for your software team.

Conclusion: The Time is Now

As software development continues to evolve, staying ahead of the curve requires not just skill and innovation, but also the right insights. “Time to Merge” stands out as a critical metric that, when understood and optimized, can unlock unparalleled efficiency and quality in your software engineering process.

For software team leads, engineering managers, and CTOs, now is the perfect time to start leveraging the power of “Time to Merge”. And with GitDailies, you’ve got the perfect partner to guide you on this journey.

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